It Started with Lunch…
Yes, really. After an Oprah show about puppy mills in 2008, two friends went to lunch and asked each other a question… “How can we do more?” A pet-sitter and a graphic designer who wanted to give more – more money, more time, more than they could give by themselves – to support their passion, dogs! They weren’t alone. After a bit of brainstorming, a fundraising dog wash just seemed like a fun idea. And isn’t ‘fun’ part of fundraising? They shared their idea with friends and family and the idea grew. Everyone wanted to help. So they turned to their community, looking for sponsors, and again, everyone wanted to help. The idea was now more than an idea, it was an event – a yearly event to raise money for dog based charities in their neighborhood.
After the first few years of the dog wash, meeting amazing rescues and shelters, the ‘rescue’ bug took hold. Elizabeth had already been fostering senior dogs and had a grasp on that end of the rescue world. Jennifer began working with a few area rescues, learning about high kill, out of state shelters, and how transport works. Today, Save-A-Mutt is a full fledged 501c3 rescue that saves hundreds of animals each year. They work to find forever homes for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens. ‘Fun’draising is still very much a part of their organization, but now they work with an amazing team of board members, volunteers, fosters and rescue partners.
Our Future
Scrub-A-Mutt’s first annual dog-washing fundraiser was on Sunday, August 17, 2008. The newspaper got the date wrong. Nobody knew where the park was. Yet, they washed 25 dogs that day, and made over $1000. Over the years, the numbers of dogs washed increased. At the last official Scrub event, the volunteers washed over 300 dogs – it was amazing. In 2014, Scrub-A-Mutt became Save-A-Mutt and we transformed from a fundraising group, to a rescue/dog saving organization. Our many relationships with sponsors, volunteers and the other “crazy dog people” in our community made the transition easy. In 2019, Save-A-Mutt installed a board of directors, while Jennifer and Elizabeth stepped back as Executive Directors. The purpose was to give SAM new blood and help with new growth, allowing Jenn and Elizabeth focus on their passion of rescue. We are a currently a foster based dog rescue, with an occasional cat too. Our foster homes can be found primarily in the Stanwood / Marysville / Arlington area, but they can also be found south to Seattle; north to Mount Vernon; and everywhere in between.
Jennifer Ward ~ Executive Director
When Jennifer went to Washington State University – her major was actually veterinary medicine. But a couple years later – she changed direction and started to focus more on her creative side. Still, the love of animals that was there as a little girl never left her. Everything from the name of her design company, Pick Of The Litter Design; to her office decor – a vast collection of dog art; to her office mates – four footed partners; Jennifer’s definitely a crazy dog lady! And when she interviewed Elizabeth in 1999 to be her pet sitter – the seed of friendship was planted. Little did they both know – how that friendship would take them to great places in the world of pet rescue. A move to 15 acres allows more fostering of many litters of puppies, dogs requiring quarantine or isolation, and even special needs care. Jennifer, husband Greg, and their pack of resident dogs have created a perfect home for ‘behaviorally challenged’ foster dogs to grow and prepare for a forever home.
Elizabeth Woche ~ Executive Director
Since September of 1998, Elizabeth has been the owner and operator of Wag-A-Muffins Pet Care Services. Taking care of so many cherished family pets over the years has not only taught her a great deal, but has created wonderful relationships with the families she works for. It was the relationship with her customer Jennifer, now a treasured friend, and a shared love of the animals that created Scrub-A-Mutt. Elizabeth is the heart behind Scrub-A-Mutt’s devotion to rescue. She began fostering dogs for Old Dog Haven (ODH) in September of 2008, and quickly became a beloved “foster failure.” Elizabeth is a “mom” to several senior dogs – but she can be found trolling the local shelters looking to save even more of these gray muzzled beauties. She is also “mom” to some special rescue cats. The most important part of Elizabeth’s circle is her family. Bill, William, Noelle, Stephen, a couple grandsons, and countless other family and friends of the heart. Their endless supply of love and support allows Elizabeth to be who she is.
Ashley Brewer ~ Board President
Ashley Brewer joined the Save-A-Mutt board in 2019. She uses her 10+ years of experience as a veterinary technician to consult for Save-A-Mutt. She and her husband have fostered hundreds of puppies (and dogs and cats and kittens, oh my!), specializing in medical cases, puppies, and bottle babies. She is mom to Salix, the best Australian shepherd in the world; Rhiannon the Weird Dog (aka cat); Isabelle (the only two-legged child); and numerous ducks and quail.
Kimberly Gauthier ~ Treasurer
Kimberly Gauthier (go-tea-ay) has been a member of the Save-a-Mutt Universe for more nearly a decade. Initially, Kimberly supported the organization by hosting a booth at the Scrub-A-Mutt events, donating freebies she received from brands as a blogger to help dogs and puppies, and eventually attending rescue events. As a member of the Save-a-Mutt Board, Kimberly is able to contribute to the rescue community, working with a team of people who are passionate about finding homes for homeless dogs.
Kimberly Gauthier is the founder and editor of Keep the Tail Wagging®, a blog about raising dogs naturally. Her mission is to empower pet parents to make better choices, speak up for their pets, and ask more questions. Kim lives with her partner and five raw fed dogs and one demanding cat in Snohomish County, Washington.
Eileen Hinkley ~ Secretary
Over ten years ago, Eileen and Jennifer met as neighbors. It didn’t take long them to become besties, and for Eileen to learn about Save-a-Mutt. Fast forward, and Eileen now lives on the Farm with Jenn and Greg. She is involved pretty much all aspects of the organization and fills in where ever needed – helping with foster dogs, running errands, volunteering at events and more. She has always had a love for animals and has owned dozens, including pet chickens, rabbits, horses, snakes, fish, spiders, cats and dogs. Currently, she is mom to Drake, (Jennifer’s Pitbull ‘rehab’ dog) and Kimber (OUR foster fail), as well as the bonus mom to Jenn’s dogs Graham and Zobel; the resident cats Willow and Chaos; and many chickens and pigs. Eileen is also a licensed small animal massage therapist, dog sitter and ‘Jill of Many Trades.’
JJ Nicholson ~ Board Member, Event Coordinator
JJ’s involvement with Save-A-Mutt has always been a family affair. She would come to Scrub-A-Mutt events where her sisters were volunteers. Her little sister became a permanent foster parent in 2014 and JJ fell in love with helping, but she worked full time away from home, so she started fostering for Save-A-Mutt on a as needed for emergency placement. In 2015 she started working from home and became a foster parent on a regular basis. Her amazing family and dog pack of 4 (two of which are foster fails) have helped foster hundreds of puppies (okay feels like hundreds) and a few kittens. Other than adorable animals JJ’s other passion is her family. If she ever turns down a Save-A-Mutt event it’s for her adorable nieces (who have been fostering since the day, they were born… literally) and handsome nephew. She joined the board late in 2022 and is now in process learning the ropes of Events to be able to take over as the Event Coordinator for Jennifer. We can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Brynn Norton ~ Board Member
Brynn has been a member of Save-A-Mutt since early 2020. She joined the board in late 2022. She loves the community involvement and feeling that Save-A-Mutt gives to those who adopt, volunteer and/or foster. Her and her family have fostered many, from puppies to seniors and the medically needy. Brynn is a Mom to two legged children as well (Haylee and Kyler), three dogs (Sadie – foster fail, Chewy and Addie), and two cats (Tommy and David). She is also currently Foster Mom to two of our ‘Safe Haven’ dogs – Baxter and Cinderella.
Jane Rotunno ~ Board Member
Jane Sims Rotunno joined the Save-A-Mutt Board in 2023, but she is no newcomer to Save-A-Mutt. Jane was a volunteer at that first annual dog-washing fundraiser back in August 2008, and she has been with Save-A-Mutt ever since. Jane shares Elizabeth Woche’s passion for the Senior dogs and helps Elizabeth on the Senior Foster side of Save-A-Mutt. Jane also helps manage the Swag tables at our Save-A-Mutt events. In addition, Jane and her wife Michele are Save-A-Mutt Fosters, though they have been Foster Fails more often than not!
William Woche ~ Board Member
As the heir to the Save-A-Mutt senior dog program, William has a vested interest in seeing the longevity of such an illustrious and spectacular rescue organization cemented across eons. As a young pup, William remembers being a part of all the great work Save-A-Mutt (then just a dog wash in the summer) had been doing. He understood that Jennifer & Elizabeth (aka Mom) were committed wholeheartedly to their vision, but that it would also take the help of many ‘humble servants’ to realize their dream. From then on, William has taken part in most of the outreach events, and plans on continuing to do so as long as he is able. Recently, William joined a long tradition of SAM board members in adopting his first Save-A-Mutt dog!