Last Litter Program – Be A Star!
Accident’s Happen… and Puppies are a LOT of work. Save-A-Mutt is working with our community help prevent unplanned litters, ensure that every animal has a forever home and that we reduce the number of animals entering the shelter system.
With our Last Litter Program, Mom dogs will be spayed, and if needed, vaccinated and microchipped FREE of charge. Once weaned, puppies will be placed in foster homes and later adopted out. Their adoption fees help pay for the all the care for mommy and the litter of pup!
Here is a flyer for the program and our contract for the program. And if Mom and Puppies get too much as they get older, SAM can find them a safe place to land until weaning happens and then return Mom dog back to the family! Ask us how we can help!
P.S. We work with Cats & Kittens too! Meow.
Emma’s Fund – Senior Program
Emma was the first senior dog that Save-A-Mutt pulled from a shelter. Her story has inspired us to name our new senior fundraising project “Emma’s Fund.” The money we raise for this fund will be dedicated to providing medical testing and services, grooming, specialized food and supplies to the senior dogs in our care. We will always remember Emma and the impact that she made on us.
Emma’s Story – Emma was picked up by animal control as a stray. She was taken to the local animal shelter, and waited for her family to find her…. they never did. In the beginning, Emma was deemed unadoptable because of a growth on her foot, it appeared to be a very involved tumor, possibly cancer. When Elizabeth saw Emma at the shelter, she knew that Save-A-Mutt could be Emma’s voice, and using our resources, get her a new home. Surgery was performed, the tumor removed and this sweet girl was ready for a new life.
The perfect home was found for Emma, she became a cherished member of someone’s family… her dreams were coming true. Sadly, just a few months later, our sweet Emma was diagnosed with a very advanced form of terminal bone cancer. She lost her battle with cancer but not before leaving her mark on the hearts of everyone who knew her. And although her time with her new family was short, she was able to experience more love and joy in those few months than most of us experience in a lifetime.
We are proud to have senior dog rescue partners that share our love of these ‘experienced’ gray muzzled beauties. Their never ending support enables us work together as a team to make a difference in the lives of homeless animal. We are forever grateful for this collaboration.