Help us put an end to Puppy Mills ~ Adopt, don’t shop!
Our organization was created because of our sadness with the business of puppy mills. Unfortunately, a whole new crop of backyard/hobby breeders has created more issues for the rescue community – selling puppies to pet stores, selling puppies online/Craig’s List, even selling them with hand written signs by the side of the road. People continue to buy them, thinking they are “saving” the puppy. If we stop the demand – the supply will end! Save-A-Mutt works daily to provide education about the horrors of the puppy mill environment and the ignorance behind backyard breeding. We would like Washington State to follow the example of many cities in California – ban the sale of puppies and kittens in retail locations. That is our goal!
What can you do? Don’t buy a single item – not a leash, not a bag food – at any pet store that SELLS puppies or kittens. Do not be fooled, just because a Pet Store uses the word adoption, they are still buying puppies to sell to the public.
You can also take a few minutes each day to visit your local Craig’s List online ads and flag anyone selling puppies. We are working with area shelters and rescue groups to stop this horrible practice, stay tuned.
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